God, for me, my family, and all humanity Throughout all time, past, present and future, Please help us forgive all people
And help us all forgive ourselves.
Please God, thank you, God, Amen.
Help us all Love each other
And Love ourselves,
Be at peace with each other
And be at peace with ourselves.
Please God, thank you, God, Amen.
God, We give you our Love and thank you
For your constant love and blessings,
We appreciate and respect all your creations And we fill all your creations with our love.
God, we give you our love and thank you
For your constant love and blessings.
We appreciate and respect all of your creations And we fill all your creations with our love.
God, please open, bless, empower, expand, Lead, guide, direct, and protect
Me, my family, and all humanity Throughout all time
Now and forever.
Please God, thank you, God, Amen Thank you, God, Amen.
- used by permission of Howard Wills