The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; the truth about both has been seen by the knowers of the Truth (or the seers of the Essence).
COMMENTARY: What is changing must always be unreal. What is constant or permanent must always be real. The Atman or the eternal, all-pervading Self ever exists. It is the only Reality. This phenomenal world of names and forms is ever changing. Names and forms are subject to decay and death. Hence they are unreal or impermanent.
Avinaashi tu tad viddhi yena sarvam idam tatam; Vinaasham avyayasyaasya na kashchit kartum arhati.
Know That to be indestructible, by whom all this is pervaded. None can cause the destruction of That, the Imperishable.
COMMENTARY: The Self pervades all objects like ether. Even if the pot is broken, the ether that is within and without it cannot be destroyed. Similarly, if the bodies and all other objects perish, the eternal Self that pervades them cannot be destroyed; It is the living Truth.
Antavanta ime dehaa nityasyoktaah shareerinah; Anaashino’prameyasya tasmaad yudhyaswa bhaarata.(Swami Sivanada translation)
The offering of wisdom is better than any material offering, Arjuna; for the goal of all work is spiritual wisdom.
Approach those who have realized the purpose of life and question them with reverence and devotion; they will instruct you in this wisdom.
Even if you were the most sinful of sinners, Arjuna, you could cross beyond all sin by the raft of spiritual wisdom.
Krishna delivers the Gita to Arjuna.
As the heat of a fire reduces wood to ashes, the fire of knowledge burns to ashes all karma.
Those who surrender to Brahman all selfish attachments are like the leaf of a lotus floating clean and dry in water. Sin cannot touch them.
“Fear not what is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed.“