To really find our true self and live with love and grace we first have to realize what we are not.
Nothing that we perceive outside of ourselves—our wealth, material possessions, status, property or anything else, will ever bring us face-to-face with the truth and fill the hole within our soul except, for the peace of God within.
The truth of all of the great wisdom traditions is that the true self within which we can call Atman, Christ consciousness, the Buddha nature, the Tao, or the Self, is only realized after a radical awakening to what we are not. This is why Jesus stressed needing to die to who we think we are to be reborn in spirit.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has conceived the things that God has prepared for those who love Him.” —1 Corinthians 2:9
Words cannot really do this justice. Once we experience it, many people can’t even describe it. Ramana Maharshi sat for two years in silence, incapable of speaking, after his immersion into “The Ocean.” We just know it’s a union with our Source, a coming home to what we are and where we are from. It is the meaning of the title of my book, the “Yoga of true wealth”. No amount of materialism, external quests, or worldly seeking can fulfill us. What our souls are really longing for is God. Only God can satisfy our human cravings.
“Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.’” —John 4:13-14
We all have a cross of some kind to bear in this life. I had my own share of childhood challenges and despite overcoming them by grace and having achieved by the worlds standards a degree of success in business and in life, in general, I know that there’s something bigger, and it’s within us all.
- As Jesus taught “The Kingdom of heaven is within”. This is the path to great joy.
- Through a surrendered state of humility, we become free.
- It’s a radical surrendering to love.
- This seeking and surrendering is the grace of God.
You can be free as well. You have it in you, if you want it.
Go inside yourself and strip away the layers of your ego. Close your eyes for a substantial time in meditation, and learn how to pray.Really know that there is something within you. Something eternal, divine. I am that. You are that, also. You may not be aware of it, but when you take away all the nonsense, the man-made descriptions, this is who you really are.
You are an amazing soul. Within this soul is the True Self. The Christ within.
We only reach it through a tenderhearted stillness, a dissolving of the layers of the ego, the false self, in the presence of perfect love. Ego is the delusion and illusion of who we think we are, combined with what we think this world really is.
By increasing the focus on inner surrender, we’re becoming more of what is called Spirit. We’re not just focusing on being materialistic or on wants and desires.
The road is narrow but if you desire finding your true self, love and grace, there is absolutely plenty of room at the inn.God has a room open for you.
What are some of the things we can do?
- We need to acquire some understanding of wisdom teachings. We need to follow a real genuine spiritual practice. I’m talking about taking a long deep look inside yourself.
- Then we need to start thinking about the people we love and the people we should be loving that we are not.
- We also need to think about how we should let go of our resentments and pride, and about who we should be forgiving that we are not.
We can love away the pain. This is where the ho’oponopono prayer will help us. This is a beautiful practice for forgiving everyone and blessing everything. Blessing everything and everyone with love and clearing our consciousness by praying:
I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.
4. I would also go to the ancient texts that were written 1000, 2000, or 3000 years ago and to really dig into them. We have to read books like the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Tao Te Ching. We also need a spiritual discipline that can inspire us to dedicate ourselves to fortifying this transformation through daily practice, celebration, and prayer.
When we do all of these things, including meditation and seeking spiritual wisdom from teachings and teachers, something magical happens! A peace will come over us that is beyond all understanding.
Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.”
Close your eyes, and take a few soft, gentle deep breaths. Hold the empty cup of your heart open in a relaxed and confident way. Open your awareness, and allow yourself to experience the Eternal Presence of stillness. Feel for the burning certainty within you (Supreme Knowingness) that you are here and aware of your real self. Relax and enjoy the alchemy of heart breath, in silent consciousness, and unshakable intuition of Divine Spirit.